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Before Pregnancy

It pays to be prepared. Preconception planning offers the best outcome for your baby. Everything you need to know about preconception screening tests, folic acid supplements, genetic counselling, medical complications and infertility.


During pregnancy

During Pregnancy

Over the next 40 weeks, you may have questions or concerns about your pregnancy and your developing baby and how both will be monitored. This section contains information about some of the things you may encounter during the course of your pregnancy.


Newborn Care

The learning curve is steep, and the hours of sleep are few - but soon you will find yourself falling into a pattern and feeling comfortable in your new role. This section offers help with some of the things you will experience after delivery.

Postpartum health


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The Health Improvement after Pregnancy (HIP) program was developed by the MotHERS ProgramTM to help mothers make healthy lifestyle changes.


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